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我会用画讲故事,你信吗  发帖心情 Post By:10/5/2013 6:51:54 PM [只看该作者]

我的名字叫Etian,我五岁了。我爸爸是广西平果来的,不是我喜欢吃的那种苹果。平时我爱乱涂乱画,把家里的墙壁地板都涂脏了,但是我的爸爸妈妈从来不管我。其实我的世界很美妙,我是用画讲我的故事呀。你想听我讲故事吗,那就来吧,看我的画。我们学校很好,老师让我画画。听说google的总裁和trader joe's的老板都是从我的学校毕业的。那又怎么样,他们不会用画讲故事。爸爸是画家,他说广西同乡很亲。我也喜欢他们,但是他们为什么不买画哪?听说老外买画,那就多带一些美国朋友来吧。谢谢了!下面是地址,我等着你们。EtianPlease feel free to check the following short video clip:https://vimeo.com/75159296Etian Huang (Age 5) Solo ExhibitionIMAGINE IMAGESOctober 19- November 18, 2013Opening Reception: Saturday, Oct. 19, 2-5pm Etian Huang (born 2008) has loved drawing since he could hold a pencil. He paints his dreams and “what his brain tells him to.” He is serious about his art and would rather not be told what to do. Instead, he prefers to choose what he likes, including toy cars, charcoal pencils, sticks, sponges, cucumbers, and, of course, paint brushes to express himself on the canvas. He truly enjoys his inventions and creative ways, which include jumping up and down as he throws color-soaked sponges and listening to the sounds they make while creating fireworks on the canvas. He uses his cars and trucks to make trails, tracks, and abstract lines that wrap around and intertwine like spider webs. Etian draws imaginative images,landscapes, figures, animals, and, once in a while, he will paint a still life from his memory. This exhibition will feature 60 pieces selected to illustrate Etian’s creative journey.有问题给我老豆(爸爸)打电话。我不接,我还要画画呢。SHANYE HUANG STUDIO GALLERY:1628 Oaklawn Court, Silver Spring, MD 20903Gallery Hours: Wed-Fri 10am-2pmNon gallery hours: by appointmentFor more information please call: 301-908-1567 or 240-374-2921E-mail: huangartstudio@gmail.com     www.shanyehuang.comPAINT BRANCH MONTESSORI SCHOOL: www.pbmotessori.com     301-434-0373
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